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"In times full of gray shades,
we keep creating bold images!"

Just a few words about us...

Helena Antonopoulos is a modern-day renaissance woman. She is an economist, cultural historian, photographer, storyteller, filmmaker and Life & Business Coach.

Vag Nikol is a sound engineer and professional fashion & beauty photographer. He has collaborations with international fashion designers and magazines.

Married couple in life, Vag and Helena established CULT PICS in 2017. Their goal is to compose and create images through the innovative technique of combining Art and Beauty with Modern Wedding. Through their own unique perspective, they love to capture human’s emotional moments, turning wedding photography and filming into a lifetime experience.

Vag and Helena Wedding Photographers and filmmakers

Our Mission

In simple words, our mission is to become your Love-Storytellers! Together, we will co-create your wedding experience in every detail. We will be by your side during your wedding preparations, while you will have full access to our ideas and expertise.

Although our primary goal is to deliver you an extraordinary photographic and cinematic result, we are not just your wedding photographers and filmmakers!

We are here for you!

Vag and Helena wedding photographers and filmmakers

Our Style

Our style is inspired by top fashion editorials, Hollywood movies, Rembrandt’s drawings,beauty & fashion magazines and music video clips.

We follow a minimalist chic approach to our images, which means that we reduce elements without purpose while we highlight elements with purpose.

We are focused on every detail that turns the ordinary to extraordinary and we love to capture epic moments of couples in love!

Vag and Helena wedding photographers and filmmakers


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